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The West Yamba development area is subject to both flash flooding from storm water run off during rain events as well as being a flood storage area for overflow from the Clarence River and Lake Wooloweyah.

Below are a range of images that we have found, received from council and taken from development applications. The images and information with them can be tricky to understand, however it clearly shows that flooding and storm water run off will immediately impact those who are currently living in the surrounding areas.

The low lying land of West Yamba is a wetland. Trucking in hundreds of thousands of tonnes of landfill will displace this water into the surrounding homes in the Yamba Road, Golding Street, Carrs Drive and Sullivans Road areas.

What does Yamba look like with rising sea levels?

Coastal Risk Australia shows modelling for the future of our coastline. Yamba has a wet future, take a look. 

Submit photographs 


 If you have photographs or information that you would like to submit, please send through to the Keep Yamba Country Group using the below link.

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